Data & Experiments

Vocal sound, pitch, and overtones analysis

For my physics voice project, I plan to analyze the different sound waves a singer* and non singer can produce**. I will be using a microphone and computer to measure the period, or time for a whole completion of a cycle, measured in T for time, and the amplitude, relating to the pressure of the air and the loudness of the pitch, or f for frequency. My goal is to find the relation between pitch and the vocal cords producing them. For singers I will compare results from singing with vibrato and without vibrato. For non-singers I will have them sing without any coaching, and after asking them to change their posture and breath to improve the pitch quality.
o       Measure the frequency and period of sound waves from a pitch pipe
o       Measure the amplitude of sound waves from a pitch pipe
o       Record data collected from non-singers, and then the best result after coaching them into producing smoother quality sound waves.
o       Compare the data of singers to non-singers, and comparing/contrasting the difference in overtones and quality of the waveform from singing with and without vibrato,
o       Computer
o       Vernier computer interface
o       Vernier microphone
o       Logger pro software
o       FFT
o       Pitch pipe
o       Trained singers
o       Untrained singers

* The qualitys that define a singer in this project is a student that is studying voice classicaly with a professional teacher.
**The quality's that define a non-singer in this project is a student who has had no prior vocal training. 

Frequencies for each note:

A: 441Hz
B: 495Hz
C: 524 Hz
D: 292 Hz
E: 327 Hz
F: 346 Hz
G: 395 Hz

Click the data tables below to enlarge: